SBA 8(a) ANC Contract Process & Advantages
Contracting Officer prepares & sends offer letter to SBA

SBA reviews & accepts the offer letter. Verifies ANC 8(a) and delegates negotiations
Contracting Officer
Coordinates proposal negotiates terms & award contract

Coordinates/verifies requirements, prepares solution, accepts award

• Sole Source: ANC 8(a) are exempt from the $4.5 million competitive 8(a) thresholds on sole-source awards and can receive sole source awards up to $25 million, or $100 Million for an agency of the Department of Defense before reaching the competitive threshold. Reference 13 CFR 124.506(b)
• Open Discussions and Negotiations: Allow for price transparency with Government as soon as SBA accepts the offer letter. Time span can be as little as 20 – 60 days to award from the letter being issued to SBA
• Non-Protest: Sole-source awards made to ANC 8(a) firms cannot be protested. Reference:13 CFR 124.517(a)
• SDB Credit for Subcontracts: Subcontracts awarded to an ANC can be counted towards the prime contractor’s goal for subcontracting with SDB and small business concerns, regardless of the ANC’s size or SBA certification status. The credit may be taken where the ANC is no longer small under SBA regulations. Reference: 48 CFR 19.703(c)(1)
SBA Business Opportunity Specialist:
U.S. Small Business Administration, Alaska District Office
420 L Street, Suite 300 | Anchorage, AK 99501
Office (907) 271-4850